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Andrew Levermore


Andrew began his association with Sango in 2015 when he was appointed as one of Sango’s representatives to the board of Marketsquare, a Sango investee company. Andrew joined Sango as a Retail Adviser in March 2018 and he brings more than 35 years of experience as a senior retail executive in South Africa, UK and India. Prior to joining Sango, Andrew was the Chief Executive of Edgars, the largest apparel, beauty and cosmetics retailer in Southern Africa. Previously, he has served as COO of Walmart India, where he had direct responsibility for buying, merchandising, supply chain, marketing and retail/wholesale operations. Andrew also helped to set up and was Chief Executive of Hypercity Retail India which was the first general merchandise hypermarket retailer in India. Andrew has held senior executive roles at Woolworths, Makro and House of Frazer in South Africa and the UK. He began his career at Edgars.

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